Fuel Injection and System Service
Inside your vehicle’s engine is a fuel system made up of a fuel filter, fuel pump, and fuel injectors. Over time, environmental wear and tear such as dirt, carbon, and varnishes can build up in your fuel system, potentially causing damage. When one part of the system is damaged, the other parts of your car’s engine can also be affected. To prevent future damage and repairs, protect your engine, and extend the life of your vehicle, fuel injection and system services are essential. At Custom Complete Automotive, we are proud to offer unmatched fuel injection and system tune up services at unbeatable prices to keep your car running efficiently for as long as possible.

Fuel Injection and System Services at an Auto Shop Near You
At our auto shops located in Columbia, Jefferson City, and St. Louis, MO, our certified mechanics know how important routine fuel injection and system tune ups are in extending the life of your vehicle. Our team is equipped to provide you with quality fuel injection and system services to keep your car in excellent working order.
At our auto shops near you, we provide the following fuel injection and system services:
Inspection of the Fuel Lines, Fuel Rail, Pressure Regulator, Vacuum Line, And All Connections
Cleansing of the Fuel Injectors and Throttle Body Air Intake
Pressure Testing the Fuel Pump and System
Decarbonization of the Intake Manifold, Intake, Exhaust Valves, Combustion Chamber and Pistons
If the carbon deposits within your vehicle’s fuel system are particularly severe, your fuel injectors may need to be removed and reconditioned.